Mission and Vision Statements
LCHS Vision and Collective Commitments
LCHS Vision and Collective Commitments
LCHS Vision and Collective Commitments
Making Great Things Possible
All members of the Laguna Creek High School community uphold the mission, vision, values, and goals established by Elk Grove Unified School District, Laguna Creek High School, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, following the EGUSD Integrated Learning System (E4) to ensure every student, learning in every classroom, in every subject, every day to prepare college and career ready graduates:
High-Quality Classroom Instruction and Curriculum
LCHS staff commits itself to designing and developing comprehensive curriculum that supports instruction assessment to ensure all students master Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned learning objectives. In all activities, LCHS students are prepared to thrive in a global community.
Staff teaches students how to analyze, collaborate, reflect, and think critically to support students in accessing academic content and in developing social competencies.
Staff addresses the diverse learning needs of students by incorporating curriculum, instruction, and assessments that are innovative, intellectually challenging, high quality, and promote reflective practices.
Staff will utilize formative and summative assessments to monitor student learning and track progress toward specified student learning outcomes, and engage in analyzing data that will inform instructional practices.
Curricular teams will collaborate regularly to meet educational goals through the use of instructional data, standards-based and interdisciplinary learning, and innovative teaching techniques.
Students actively engage in their Approaches to Learning and in the assessment of such learning. Feedback and self-reflection provide focus for learning and promote refinement and growth toward individual improvement.
Students and staff integrate the IB philosophy within curricular and school activities. The values of an IB education center on learners, develop effective approaches to teaching and learning, work within global contexts, and explore significant content. The IB Learner Profile and Approaches to Learning promote responsible members of the global community, critical thinkers, and personal responsibility for learning.
LCHS establishes high expectations for all students. Staff will provide each individual with appropriate levels of support to meet or exceed expectations.
Staff provides students with opportunities and resources that promote critical thinking skills that allow students to meet high expectations for learning in academic, emotional, and social contexts.
Students are provided access and encouragement that allow them to explore and participate in various opportunities in curricular and extra-curricular programs.
Staff provides students with necessary support and appropriate interventions by incorporating student-centered instruction and building positive teacher/student relationships to ensure achievement of course expectations.
Administration supports professional development and collaborative opportunities for staff to update and improve their practice so that students meet or exceed course expectations.
Staff exhibit culturally-responsive and student-centered instructional practices to create an environment that supports learning for all students.
Staff supports institutional structures (i.e. master schedule, tutoring programs, library access, etc.) that promote equal access to curriculum and interventions so that students meet or exceed course expectations.
Assessment, Data Analysis, and Action
LCHS will promote collaboration through Professional Learning Communities (PLC). These communities encompass all teams that make decisions for the success of students. Within their PLC groups, LCHS staff will commit to continuous improvement and progress toward the success of all students.
Staff works toward curriculum alignment with clear learning objectives and common assessments that promote decisions based on data.
PLCs construct learning activities that are engaging, innovative, rigorous, and effective.
Collective professional development opportunities allow for an enriched, collaborative environment, which leads to continual learning and growth.
PLC team members share best practices in order to build innovative, standards-based unit plans that also reinforce the attributes of the EGUSD Graduate and IB Learner Profiles.
PLC team members share curricular choices and instructional practices, develop common assessments, and analyze data to support continual professional growth and improved student learning.
All adults commit to fully engaging in the PLC process by actively listening to each other, being respectful of others' ideas, and contributing positively to achieve the overall vision of LCHS.
Staff works in cross-curricular teams to better serve and support all students in a well-rounded educational experience.
LCHS staff will provide a secure, safe environment for all students to collaborate and learn. Staff will ensure all students’ healthy lifestyles by fostering social and emotional competencies.
Staff provides a safe place for students to learn, socialize, and demonstrate mutual respect.
Staff supports healthy lifestyles by providing assessments and interventions to assist students with their physical and mental wellness.
Staff provides multiple opportunities for students to work together to increase their personal growth and connection to the campus.
Staff creates dynamic lessons that require student engagement and collaboration, which support relationships among peers, teachers, and staff.
Staff will incorporate strategies to promote the Approaches to Learning to help students develop self-knowledge and skills needed to enjoy a lifetime of learning.
All students will have an equitable opportunity to learn in a physically, emotionally, and culturally safe environment.
Parent, Family, and Community Partnerships
LCHS values strong collaborative relationships with parents, guardians, and community members to support and enhance learning opportunities.
Students and staff provide collaboration and relevant support for programs within the extended community.
School staff promotes opportunities for parents to interact with staff and provides parent outreach programs.
Parents, staff, and business community members collaborate together for student success in all aspects of their education.
Staff collaborates with post-secondary institutions, military branches, and technical career entities to promote success beyond high school.
Administration and staff promotes community participation through volunteer efforts, service learning, and leadership opportunities.
The school staff, business community, and other organizations collaborate to provide authentic learning experiences for students by reinforcing the relevance of academic and co-curricular programs.